Web stranica
1. Best in Parking HR-BIP HR-BIP
2. Best in Parking -KOM HR-KOM HR-KOM
3. E.ON Energija d.o.o. HR-EDR HR-EDR
4. Electrip Mobility Service d.o.o. HR-ELC HR-ELC
5. enasolAuto d.o.o. HR-QLO HR-QLO
6. GreenWay Hrvatska d.o.o. HR-GWH HR-GWH
7. Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d. HR-HEP HR-HEP
8. Hrvatski Telekom d.d. HR-005 HR-005
9. Intis engineering d.o.o. HR-INT -

In the context of CEF Programme (Connecting Europe Facility), the European Union Member States (set up a consortium for implementation of PSA (Programme Support Action) support project entitled IDACS - Data collection related recharging/refuelling points for alternative fuels and the unique identification codes related toe-mobility actors.

The purpose of IDACS Project is providing a quick access to comprehensive and high-quality information to final users on recharging/refuelling alternative fuels infrastructure in transport, so as to enable optimal mobility.
The Act on the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (“Official Gazette” No. 120/16) transposed into Croatian legislation the provisions of Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure (“the AFI Directive”). According to the Act and the AFI Directive, the location data and other information on recharging and alternative fuels supply infrastructure shall be freely available to all users.

The IDACS Project is also compliant with Directive 2010/40/EU on intelligent transport systems (“the ITS Directive”)adopted by the European Parliament and the Council on 7 July 2010, setting up the framework for introduction of intelligent transport systems in road transport and interfaces toward other modes of transport, as well as with Delegated Regulation  2015/962/EU and 2017/1926/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2015 and 31 December 2015, envisaging collection of recharging and alternative fuels supply infrastructure data through National Access Points (NAP).


CRO IDRO is the Croatian office for registration of recharging and alternative fuels supply points, established by the Act on Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure. The Registration Office is a constituent part of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure. CRO IDRO is empowered and responsible for awarding and registration of unique identification codes (ID codes) awarded to charging point operators (CPO) and mobility service providers (MSP) for vehicles using alternative fuels.


The CPO and MSP ID codes consist of 5 symbols. The first two symbols are a national identification of the country (HR); next three symbols are the proposed designation of a MSO or CPO.
The CPO ID code is a part of every EVSE ID code (an ID code containing, besides a CPO ID code and symbol “E”, up to 30 alphanumeric symbols identifying the recharging unit in question).
The MSP ID code is a part of every EMA ID code (an ID code containing, besides a MSP ID code and symbol “C”, exactly 8 alphanumeric symbols identifying an individual contract on provision of e-recharging services, specifying and identifying a contract and connecting it with MSP).
CPO and MSP ID codes are approved by CRO IDRO, stored in the register, accessible to public and contained in the database exchanged by CRO IDRO with the EU ID code register.
For additional information on the format of ID codes see our Guidelines here.


Applications for issue, modification or removal of ID codes may be submitted by any natural or legal person performing the tasks of CPO or MSP. Natural/legal persons performing tasks of CPO or MSP should apply for issue of both codes (CPO and MSP code). Applicants have to register and fill in the application form for access to CRO IDRO system. After the approval of the request by CRO IDRO, the applicant may accede to the CRO IDRO system using  a username and password.
CRO IDRO approves requests, except in cases when:
  1. the ID requested by the applicant has already been awarded to another CPO and/or MSP;
  2. the use of identification requested by the applicant does not correspond to the form as provided for by relevant rules.
The applicants for an ID code should fill in the form for access to the CRO IDRO system here.


The service of issue of an ID code is free of charge.


For other organizations for registration of ID codes in Europe, please select the country of your interest here: Austria, Benelux, France, Germany


For any information please contact us on e-mail or telephone ++ 385 1 6191 111.


All data requested shall be used for sole purposes ID code registration and management pursuant to GDPR and for no other purposes. Only the CPO and MSP ID code data and contact details of a natural/legal person may be published and shared with counterpart organizations, including IDRR.

idacs idacs idacs